Marketing Cosmos

eSearch Logix

Maximizing Visibility, Multiplying Success
United States India
250+ 2014

eSearch Logix: Your Trusted Partner in Digital Marketing and Website Design

Our Services:

1. Digital Planning: We start by understanding your business, customers, and market. Our plans are simple yet effective, setting you up for online success.

2. Website Building: Your website is your online home. We build easy-to-use, good-looking websites that work well on all devices and help you stand out online.

3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Get noticed online. We make your website more visible in search results, bringing more visitors and building your online trust.

4. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Ads: Get seen quickly. Our ads are designed to get you in front of the right people fast, helping you make the most of your advertising budget.

5. Social Media Marketing: Connect on social media. We help you talk to your customers, create engaging posts, and grow your online community.

6. Content Creation: Share great content. From articles to videos, we make stuff that people want to read and watch, making you look like an expert.

7. Link Building & Outreach: Boost your website's popularity. We focus on getting other websites to link to yours. This isn’t just about having more links; it's about finding quality connections through outreach. This helps your website rank better in search results.

8. Analytics and Reports: Understand your results. We give you clear reports on how your online marketing is doing, so we can keep improving.

9. Online Reputation Management: We help manage what people see about you on the internet, making sure your business looks its best.

10. Amazon SEO: Get your products seen on Amazon. We make sure your items show up higher in Amazon's search results. This helps more people find what you're selling, increasing your chances of making sales.

Why Choose eSearch Logix:

- Complete Digital Approach: We look at the big picture, making sure everything works together to boost your brand online.

- Experienced Team: Our team knows a lot about different types of businesses, so we can help you no matter what you do.

- Always Up-to-Date: The online world changes fast. We stay on top of new trends to keep you ahead.

- We Care About Your Success: We work with you closely and change our plans as your business grows.

- Focused on Great Results: We aim high. Our goal is to do more than just okay; we want to really help your business grow.

Our main idea is that combining creative ideas with technology can really change the way businesses work.

Pricing model
  • Hourly rate
  • Retainer
  • Project-based
  • Commission
  • Value/performance-based
  • English
  • Hindi
Geographic focus
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Europe, the Middle East and Africa
  • India
  • North America
  • Singapore
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States